Hirose’s Social responsibilities,such as environmental conservation,compliance, etc.


We are expected to not only observe laws and rules but also to apply our own high ethical standards of sincerity and social responsibility in conducting our corporate activities. We have here made and clarified Code of Conduct, which every one of us must practice in all situations in this constantly changing management environment. We have established the following Code of Conduct and practice it sincerely, as we are fully aware of our social responsibility. This Code of Conduct shall apply to all officers and employees of Hirose Electric Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries. We will make this Code of Conduct known to all our officers and employees and provide the necessary education for them to understand this Code of Conduct and act in accordance therewith.



We will observe the laws of the various countries and districts in which we operate, international rules, such as international norms, and company rules, and we will act sincerely in accordance with social norms and corporate ethics in conducting our business activity.

1.2.Honest Action and Code of Conduct

When performing business, we will act in a sincere manner in compliance with the Code of Conduct, and we will always consider how our actions are perceived by others and act responsibly.


2.1.Products and Services

2.1.1 Development of Products for Customer Satisfaction

We will endeavor to develop products that satisfy our customers by always considering the customers’ needs first. We will provide timely information on products and services when requested by our customers, and we will make every effort to respond sincerely to inquiries.

2.1.2 Safety and Quality

We will take full care for the safety and quality of the products and services that we sell and offer. In the event that damage caused by our products or services to the customer is found or a serious quality problem occurs, we will confirm the facts and report promptly and accurately to the appropriate parties both inside and outside of our company and take adequate action, such as investigating the cause of the damage or quality concern.
Quality Policy


2.2.1 Equal and Honest Transactions in Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We will always conduct equal, fair, and honest transactions with our customers, distributors, suppliers, consignees, and all other business partners in compliance with the laws and regulations concerning fair competition and trade, as well as other rules established in each country and region.

2.2.2 Prohibition of Anti-Competitive Activity

We will not restrict free competition among our business colleagues, such as by consulting and fixing the price and quantity of products with them. We will refrain from bid rigging, such as by setting a successful bidder or the highest bid price.

2.2.3 Prohibition of Dictating Resale Prices and Unfairly Restricting Sales Activity

We will not unfairly restrict the business activity of distributors, such as by dictating the selling price that they should demand from customers and retailers or prohibiting them from carrying other companies’ products.

2.2.4 Fair Advertisement Activity

We will not convey or express information in our advertisement activity that is false or might lead to a misunderstanding regarding the quality, performance, and/or specification of our products and services.

2.2.5 Fair Transactions with Suppliers and Consignees

We will select suppliers and consignees in accordance with appropriate selection standards, practice a fair and equal attitude toward them, and conduct transactions sincerely in accordance with applicable laws and agreements, without making unreasonable demands or conduct, and without imposing any obligation.

2.2.6 Prohibition of Abuse of a Superior Position

We will not take advantage of our superior position to make unreasonable requests or impose any obligation on suppliers or consignees, such as unilaterally setting unfair conditions of transactions or unfairly delaying payment.

2.2.7 Responsible Mineral Procurement

In order to fulfill our social responsibility in the supply chain, we will work to procure minerals that are not involved in conflict, human rights violations, or labor issues.
Responsible Minerals Procurement Policy

2.2.8 Proper Accounting

We will carry out proper accounting procedures in accordance with accounting principles and practices that are generally recognized as fair and valid, and accurately enter and record them in our books and accounting records. In addition, we will comply with the laws and regulations related to accounting and/or finance acts.

2.2.9 Proper Recording and Reporting

We will conduct all records and reports on the company’s business activities accurately and fairly in accordance with applicable laws and rules.

2.2.10 Disclosure

We will disclose information as required by laws and rules, as well as other information that we deem necessary to disclose, accurately and fairly in accordance with appropriate procedures in order to gain the trust of the public.

2.2.11 Prevention of Insider Transactions

We will not conduct insider transactions, meaning we will not trade stocks of our company or any other company listed on the stock exchange using important internal information obtained in the course of performing our duties. In addition, we will not disclose such non-public internal information inside or outside the company except for unavoidable business circumstances.

2.2.12 Observance of Import and Export Laws

To maintain international peace and security, we will comply with the export-related laws and regulations stipulated in relevant countries and regions with respect to import and export transactions of cargo, technology, services, etc., and conduct proper import and export control.

2.2.13 Anti-Corruption

We endorse the aims of anti-corruption demanded by the laws and international norms of each country and region, and in order to maintain sound and transparent relationships with politics and administration, we will not bribe or conduct any behavior that can be regarded as bribing government agencies, officers, or politicians in each country or region, or conduct any form of corruption.

2.2.14 Prohibition of Excessive Entertainment and Gifts

We will comply with the laws and company rules of each country and region, and will not provide entertainment, gifts, or other economic benefits that exceed socially accepted standards. In addition, we will not accept entertainment, gifts, or other economic benefits that deviate from sound business practices or social norms, or that have not been approved by authorized personnel as stipulated in company rules.


3.1.Basic Human Rights and Respect for Human Dignity

We will respect basic human rights and respect human dignity, will not commit any acts of discrimination, and will not commit any acts that undermine human dignity.
Human Rights Policy

3.1.1 Respect for Human Dignity

We respect our employees’ free will to work, do not accept child labor or forced labor, and do not commit abuse, harassment, or any other inhumane acts that undermine human dignity.

3.1.2 Prohibition of Discriminatory Acts

We will not discriminate based on sex, age, nationality, race, color of skin, ideology, social position, religion, lineage, property, disability, or political ideas.

3.1.3 Diversity and Respect for Individuals

Taking into account the culture, religion, customs, and systems of each country and region, we will understand diverse values, face each other sincerely, and strive to resolve issues by respecting each other through sincere dialogue.

3.2.Human Resource Development

We will value the human resources development perspective, namely, the improvement of selection, education, retention, succession, and organizational skills. In addition, we will continue to take on the challenge of achieving high goals and constantly grow.

3.3.Respect for Privacy and Protection of Personal Information

We will respect the privacy of individuals and will not infringe them. In addition, we will comply with laws and company rules regarding the handling of personal information to prevent leaks and unauthorized use of personal information.
Personal Information Protection Policy

3.4.Establishment of a Safe and Healthy Working Environment

We will strive to develop working conditions, focusing on mental and physical health and safety, in accordance with applicable laws and company rules on working safety and health. We will also implement accident prevention and emergency management procedures.
Safety and Health Policy


4.1.Management of Assets

We will manage property, information, brands, and all other assets owned by the company, whether tangible or intangible, in a proper manner. In addition, we will not use these assets for any purpose other than business, such as by using them for private purposes, and we will handle them appropriately for the benefit of the company.

4.1.1 Management of Tangible Assets

We will use tangible assets owned by the company, such as equipment and fixtures, only to perform assigned duties in accordance with laws, regulations, and company rules, and will not misappropriate or use them for ourselves or for third parties.

4.1.2 Respecting Intellectual Property Rights

We will appropriately maintain and manage intellectual property owned by our company, including know-how gained through technological development, and will endeavor to secure and actively utilize such intellectual property so that it will not be unreasonably infringed by a third party. In addition, we will respect the intellectual property rights of third parties and endeavor not to infringe them.

4.1.3 Confidentiality

We will appropriately manage all administrative, management, technical, and manufacturing secrets of our company, in addition to other information related to our company and confidential information obtained or could have been obtained from other companies through business, in accordance with laws, regulations, and company rules, and we will endeavor to prevent the disclosure, abuse, and misappropriation of confidential information. Disclosure of confidential information to a third party or its use for unintended purposes will be prohibited while still working and even after retirement.

4.1.4 Thorough Information Security

In promoting our business activities, we recognize the importance of information security and manage and protect information obtained from suppliers, employees, and other third parties safely and appropriately. We will also prevent information security incidents by preventing the occurrence of loss, leakage, or falsification of information, and by taking measures to prevent cybersecurity threats.
Basic Policy for Information Security


5.1.Social Contribution

We will actively interact with the communities in which we conduct business activities, and contribute to society through those business activities and through our personnel and material assets. In foreign countries, we will respect the culture and customs of each country, and we will contribute to the development of their communities. We will also make every effort to contribute to society in our daily lives.

5.2.Protection of Earth’s Environment

We will promote corporate activities that give due consideration to the environment and biodiversity conservation by reducing the use of pollutants, preventing pollution, and promoting the effective use of resources and energy conservation, in compliance with the environmental laws and rules of each country and region.
Basic Environmental Policy

5.3.Response to Antisocial Groups

In accordance with our laws, regulations, and company rules, we will take a firm attitude and actions toward antisocial groups and organizations. We will have no relation with antisocial groups or organizations whatsoever and will not take any measure that will assist them.

[Internal Reporting System and Reporting Obligation]

In the event of a violation of laws, regulations, or company rules, or a risk thereof, we will report any problems that can be resolved at the workplace to the supervisor. In addition, any problem that cannot be solved at the workplace shall be reported to a supervisor who would report it to the internal whistleblowing desk, or if it is difficult to resolve the problem at the workplace depending on the case, the internal whistleblowing desk shall be directly notified. The details of the internal report and the fact that a report has been made will be treated as confidential and the reporter will not be disadvantaged in any way. We also accept anonymous reports.


In the event of any doubt as to whether our conduct violates the Code of Conduct or is likely to do so, we shall not make a judgment by ourselves but shall make sure to refer to and consult with our superiors and related departments for advice.

[System for Promotion]

The group president of the Administration Group of our company shall be appointed as the overall responsible person in charge of management and implementation of this Code of Conduct. The General Affairs & Legal Department shall assist the overall responsible person as the head office to promote and support the management and implementation of this Code of Conduct. Each subsidiary’s responsible person shall cooperate with the head office to promote the management and implementation of the Code of Conduct.

[Handling of the Code of Conduct at Overseas Subsidiaries]

Each overseas subsidiary may change part of the wording in this Code of Conduct depending on the laws, regulations, business practices, labor practices, and values of the country or region. However, they shall not make any change to the content that is contrary thereto.